holistic fitness
upcoming sessions below
Looking, feeling, and being your better SELF requires far more than just working out and eating well. Without embodied self-awareness, you will never enjoy the physical results you want or experience the inner space that leads to peace and joy.
This workshop combines biomechanical alignment principles, therapeutic yoga, Bodymind Ballwork™ and metaphysics to come up with a unique and holistic approach to feeling great in your body. Students who have attended this workshop feel empowered to access deep understanding of their physical, mental and emotional state. They leave the workshop feeling taller, brighter and younger (yep, these are their words).
In this workshop you will learn methods that involve restorative yoga poses using props and laying on rubber balls to self-massage tight fascia creating awareness and freedom of movement. You will learn techniques that you can, on your own, incorporate in your fitness routine to obtain true well being working with your body from top to bottom, and from the inside out. You will feel physically, emotionally and mentally better.
To reserve your spot & additional information email:
Future Dates:
Roll+Restore - low back session- February 9th - 4 pm to 6 pm at Brooklyn Flow
Roll+Restore - legs and feet session - May 4th - 3pm to 5 pm at Prema