"The best spiritual instruction is when you wake up in the morning and say, 'I wonder what's going to happen today.' And then carry that kind of curiosity through your life." Pema Chödrön
Pema Chödrön is one of those forces of nature that will exert its force on your spirit even when you are unaware of her presence. Last week I saw her beautiful face in many of the feeds and radio/tv shows I follow. These are the gems I keep hearing from Miss Pema: Curiosity. Connection. Space. Awakening. Depth.
Then I ran into the above Bill Moyers’ interview from 2006. This is when you know you are in the presence of wisdom, her words are as relevant now as they were then. See what jewels she got for you.
I just posted in my blog Rejuvenating Drink (Almond Rose Oja Drink) https://t.co/V1mhgQDaN6
I just posted in my blog Is your TECH Neck causing havoc in your life? https://t.co/Ji61rtzJex
I just posted in my blog The Deal with Low Back and Sciatica https://t.co/g0KsPdmyYr
[CORRECTION] - Roll+Restore @Abhaya October 26, 2019 - https://t.co/DN4MfXqndm
End Low Back Pain - Roll+Restore @Abhaya October 26, 2019 - https://t.co/NIECbCfuHl