The SkyMall is falling!

At the turn of the century I had a job in the chemical industry that required me to visit explosive-making plants located all over the Americas.  I traveled.  I traveled a lot.  There was one companion that got me through all the long hours in plains, the SkyMall catalogue.  I confess I never purchased anything from the catalogue, but I developed a morbid fascination with SkyMall's pages and pages of overly engineered artifacts.   For 25 years, SkyMall has been the most complete retail outlet of the unnecessary. If you don’t need it, they probably got it.  And in what I hope is a sign that the time has come for us American to put a stop to mindless consumerism, SkyMall filed for bankruptcy.  Congratulations to us!

As an ode to SkyMall’s impending passage, I thought I’d put together a gallery of some of the items you may still find available in their liquidation stock.

Posted on February 6, 2015 .