Ayurveda is the science of living well, it’s the sister science of Yoga.
When balanced, you’re well
When you’re out of balance, you are not well.
Ayurveda’s principles are based on the Doshas Theory. It is a complex system of beleives, but basically states that there are biological building blocks that create who we are. There are three Doshas and these are based on the classical elements. In other words, you’re made of fire, earth, water, air and space, corroborating what modern science states; we are made of star dust!
As you would guess, a healthy body is one that keeps these Doshas in balance.
When balanced, you are well and when they are out of balance, you’re not well. LOL It can be way more complicated than that, but that’s it. Today I want to talk about one of this imbalances. In the fall season when the dosha associated with space and air , Vata, has a tendency to find itself out of balance. When this occurs you will see issues such as dry stools, gas, bloating and occasional irregular bowel movements, from there, excess Vata, like wind, travels to other areas of your being creating anxiety, restless mind, trouble sleeping among other nervous system imbalances. So, how can you balance this Dosha? Like in western medicine, if there is a deep pathological imbalance you’re better off consulting with an Ayurveda doctor, but for seasonal imbalances, here are a few remedies that focus on soothing Vata so you can maintain a sense of grounded well-being and prevent further imbalance:
1- Enjoy Nabhi Abhyanga (a nice belly massage)
Abhyanga is a classic protocol in Ayurveda and I have written about it READ HERE. It’s basically self-massaging. Nabhi Abhyanga is massaging the belly.
Massaging the belly in gentle clockwise circles will immediately start to calm down and settle some of the digestive discomforts aggravated by vata dosha. There are refined and targeted techniques that include oils, but you can start by rubbing your belly!
The more you can relax, the more effective this practice will be. It can be really lovely to follow the massage with a hot water bottle on the belly while you breathe deeply into the area below the belly button!
2- Drink Hot Water
When our digestive tracts are not eliminating properly, it creates a sense of ungroundedness characteristic of a vata imbalance. Drinking hot water, yes, this includes herbal teas, provides a greater sense of grounding by supporting the natural downward-moving process of digestion. Of course there are teas specifically to address this imbalance but hot water is a good starting point.
3- Practice Knees to Chest Pose (Apanasana)
This gentle yoga pose is fantastic for bringing more balance and stability. Here’s how it’s done:
Laying down on the ground with your knees bent and feet on the ground, take a few deep breaths allowing your low back to find a neutral position.
As you exhale, bring your knees into your chest, flattening your low back towards the ground.
Tuck the chin slightly to lengthen the neck. Keep your head and back flat on the earth including the sacrum. Draw the shoulders away from the ears and broaden across the collar bones.
If you are comfortable here you can rock gently back and forth or from side-to-side.
To release, take an exhale, extend the legs out and bring the arms to rest alongside the body.
This practice can be done twice a day or more, in the morning and evening.
4-Honor a Relaxing Evening Routine
For many, me included, one of the biggest challenges of the fall is the increasing amount of darkness. Is it midnight? No, it’s only 7 pm!
This can caused disruption in our sleep routines which leading to more anxiousness and difficulty sleeping.
Do your best to set a consistent bedtime that works for you. Do the math, if you want 8 hrs of sleep what is the time to go to bed? Yep, that simple. About two hours before this time, start to prepare the environment in your home by dimming the lights or even using candles if you can.
Start to shut down screens like your TV and computer and opt for reading or listening to music instead. Turn your phone on night-mode and only use it if truly necessary. Non mentally challenging routines and/or self massaging your feet could be easy additions here.