Posts tagged #Pranayama

Goop, there it is: boost your health with breath

GOOP featured on it's June 13th's mag, our own NYC's resident yoga teacher Elena Brower, co-owner of Virayoga.  Elena shows a simple metabolism boosting series.  One of the best lessons I have learned from studying with Elena is the powerful resource that breath is, so I am sharing the breathing meditation guide featured in the article.


"Set a timer for 3 minutes. Bring your prayer hands up to your forehead, and place your thumbs on your third eye point, in the middle of your forehead. Breathe slowly and deeply. This meditation can help to strengthen metabolism (as well as help control high blood pressure). It works the glandular system (which regulates bodily activities such as metabolism through hormones), stimulating and balancing the pituitary and pineal glands, considered the master glands of the body."

Posted on June 18, 2013 and filed under Yoga.

Breath here.

I am not one to ignore messages from the Universe; and this week the message was loud and clear: BREATH.    I was teaching a twists-focus class this week;  as I taught,  I swear, I saw my students twisting and  the image of a twirling cloud came to my mind.  Next thing I know I am at the wonderful Dana Covello's class and she'd decided to sweep us into a Pranayama journey for 90 minutes that culminated into the sweetest understanding of Hanumanasana (disclaimer, even though my internal body fully manifested this pose, I wasn't anywhere close to the full pose-smile).  So when I came across a podcast  from Elsie's Yoga Class: Live and Unplugged Episode 93 focus on breathing (you must subscribe to her awesome free podcast), I decided to surrender to the powerful force of just listening to my breath. A clear message has emerged from this week's breathing exercises:  I am the fruit of my breath.

Remember this as you move into your everyday.  Please take a moment to observe your breath today and always.

Now, Universe, if you can just tell me what numbers to purchase in the lottery!!!

Posted on March 30, 2012 and filed under Anusara, Spirituality, Yoga.