Posts tagged #immunity

3 Ayurvedic Tips to Boost Your Immune System

With spring around the corner, and the wild temperature swings, there’s no better time to give your immune system a little extra LOVE.

As a Yoga Health Coach™, I want to share 3 simple Ayurvedic tips to support your immune health so that it can support you in keeping you vibrant and well.
For 5,000 years Ayurveda has been teaching us to utilize the laws of nature, in all its forms, to create a unique map to find your most ideal state of health, which in my book, is what immune health is all about. 

These are three tips from an Ayurveda perspective to boost your immune system:

1- Strengthen your Digestive System.

Per  Ayurveda, a strong digestive “fire” is the key to year-round health.  AND the first thing is to strengthen your digestion by eating meals at regular times and choosing foods that are easy to digest.   How do you know you’re digesting well? For me, it’s pretty simple. I just feel good: no discomfort, no gas, no, bloating, no tiredness, and no heavy mind.   I feel light, comfortable, and at ease.  

Ways to strengthen your digestion? Here are my two go-to:

Be sure to include immune-boosting foods in your diet. You can think of foods that boost the immune system in two ways—foods that are easy to digest and foods that offer support. Foods that are easy to digest are  kitchari, a traditional Indian dish made of rice, mung dal, and spices. It is so easy to digest that it is often given to the elderly, to those who are ill, and even to babies.  Other similarly easy to digest foods are soups, stews, and broths.  

Foods that offer support include things that are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as turmeric, ginger, echinacea, and vegetables & fruits.

Be sure to avoid foods that are cold, oily, and heavy. This includes things like cheese, ice cream, yogurt, potato chips, and fried foods.  Yep, I said it and you read it.  

2- Get Good Quality Sleep

If I’m not getting enough sleep, I immediately notice a snowball effect of feeling more and more tired and run-down- think hangover without the fun memories.  There are tons of books and articles about it, but in summary you’ll get good quality sleep by going to bed and rising at the same time daily, aiming for eight hours of quality sleep per night.  A little side note- you can’t force good sleep, you can only invite it.

3. Have a Daily Supportive Routine

Having a supportive daily routine is way more important than you’d think.

Remember last time you went on a trip?  Remember you end up needing as many days to recover?  Well, it’s not always just because the airplane was dirty. It’s because your body is totally confused from being stressed out, from staying  up too late, waking up too early and eating weird foods.   Creating stability through healthy ]habits will make all the difference and keep your body from being out of balance.   Ayurvedic habits to include in a daily routine are things like scraping your tongue, oil swishing, daily self-massage with oil and so on.

If you can nail these 3 basics, you're likely to experience a huge difference in how you feel.   

Lastly, I want to remind you to give yourself permission to slow down, nourish, and take care of yourself.  This is one of the most powerful ways to avoid depletion and support both mental and physical health.

Posted on March 9, 2022 and filed under Ayurveda, cleaning, wellness, Yoga.