Posts tagged #lemon

Want Happy Feets? Aromatheray blend to energize your step!

As we move into warmer days, awaken your senses with clean, refreshing scents.  Citrus aromas are naturally cleansing and energizing- think lemon, grapefruit, orange.  Peppermint, lime, ginger, eucalyptus and rosemary scents, to name a few, are all used to uplift the spirit and recharge the mind and body.  While reading Barbara Close's The Spa Deck, I ran into this great foot soother recipe which is just what my winter-tired feet are barking for.

Before I give you the recipe, make sure to look for pure therapeutic grade essential oils.  Don't use synthetic fragrances, only pure essential oils retain the healing properties of the plants from which they are derived.  I have a link to my favorite essential oil brand in my webpage

Rosemary Citron Sea Salt Foot Smoother

Want happy feet?  Try this after wearing uncomfortable shoes or standing for long periods.  It works its magic in part by helping to break up lactic acid deposits that causes feet to ache.

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl; set aside.  Soak feet in warm water for 10 minutes to soften the skin.  Rub mixture onto feet, concentrating on the rough patches.  Wrap feet in plastic and swaddle in a towel.  Leave on for 15 minutes.  Rinse with warm water.






Summer Salad Dressing


Visiting the abundance of farmer stands is one of my favorite Summer rites.  And nothing complements an splendid summer day as a salad containing all those delectable vegetable finds. I think it's rather silly to give recipes for a green/vegetable salad; so instead I am presenting my favorite summer salad dressing by itself, which can complement your favorite veggies.  The lemon/lime combo in this dressing is so evocative, I promise you will absolutely love it.  This is also so simple and healthy that you won't have to worry about adding extra fat/calories to your summer diet.  Learn this dressing recipe and you forever will have the power to transform any salad into a Summer Delight - all year around!

What you need: Juice from 1 lemon (zest is optional), Juice from 1 lime , 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon of grounded white pepper

What you do: Whisk all ingredients together in a large bowl and let it stand for five minutes (neither shake nor mix with a fork; I'm telling you whisk!).  That is it; combine with your favorite salad ingredients.  Enjoy.

Posted on July 31, 2012 and filed under cooking.