I’m so grateful for the ways you show up and shine with me. All the times you read my messages, all the times you spend on the mat with me or listen to my yoga-genda, all the times you say yes to my workshops/programs (or think about it), all your IG and FB postings and likes, all the times you share my content or bring a friend to class. Thank you!
Your light and love inspires me.
When my gratitude cup is so full that one more gesture of kindness will overflow my heart, that is when I must share the love. Go ahead, share the love: call your beloved aunt or cousin, reach out to your high-school friend, take your favorite office mate to lunch, cancel a holiday party and spent more time with your pet (or your children, I guess)…it’s all worth it. The spirit of Mother Abundance is radiating upon you, and before the news cycle brings you down from your gratitude high and the holidays’ madness pushes your heart into survival mode, donate to your favorite organization (or pick a favorite organization to give money to, it’s time, love). Here are some I support and want you to consider,
EVERY TOWN FOR GUN SAFETY - Every day, more than 90 Americans are killed with guns. Your generous donation helps EveryTown work to prevent gun violence and save lives
ABHYAYA YOGA FOUNDATION - Abhaya Yoga Foundation empowers and educates the underserved groups of children and women who may not normally have access to the powerful teachings of Yoga.
AMERICAN RED CROSS - From small house fires to multi-state natural disasters, the American Red Cross goes wherever they’re needed, so people can have clean water, safe shelter and hot meals when they need them most.
I can keep going, but I’m going to leave it at three, you know, to leave room for abundance. Share your favorite organization to support with friend with me. We'll spread the voice.
Let us treasure what needs to be treasured, let us give thanks and shine...no matter what.
Light and peace,
Posts tagged #thanks