Freedom Scone

I called these decadent biscuitlike treasures, freedom scones, because all the ingredients break the prison of lethargy that other sweets tend to build around my day.  I find that a cup of hot herbal tea is the perfect companion to them (yes, I always have more than one, if you try them you will know why). I adapted this recipe from Jenny Nelson' Clean Eat, but quite frankly the scones are so good, it makes me feel a bit dirty eating them, and preparing them is a fun mess, totally worth it.  These guys are vegetarian, vegan and delicious.

These are the ingredients that you need

3/4 cup coconut oil + 1 teaspoon for greasing the baking sheet...don't try to substitute this with other natural oil,  coconut is the one that make this work, also measured the oil in liquid form (~77 F)

1/4 cup water

1 cup of coconut oil

1/2 cup of dates, pitted

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/8 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup gluten free all purpose flour +1 tablespoon gluten free flour (for dusting)

Pinch sea salt

2 oz organic dark chocolate, coarsely chopped (you could skip this, I guess, but WHY?)

1/2 cup raw, organic walnuts, coarsely chopped (I have use other nuts, but the bitter taste of walnuts makes it my favorite)

This is what you do

Preheat oven to 350 F (you can place the jar with coconut oil near the oven and that helps melt the oil)

Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl.  In a separate bowl, mash the dates until you have a thick paste and set aside (see picture).  Add melted coconut oil to date paste with vanilla and water.  Add the wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until combined.

Dough should hold together. It may stay a bit runny, when this happens, I place the dough in the refrigerator for five minutes to make it easier to handle.

Form the dough into a round and place on a lightly floured (leftover dash of gluten free flour from above) surface and cut in half. Roll each half into another round. Cut one of the rounds in half and then cut each half into thirds and repeat with the second round so you have 12 wedges - it is OK if wedges are messy, it will taste just as good. Lightly grease a baking or cookie sheet with the coconut oil and place the wedges in the oven for 14-16 minutes (rotating the pan after 8 minutes).    Let them cool as the chocolate will be too hot to enjoy - trust me on this one.


Posted on March 18, 2011 and filed under cleaning, cooking.

Como Una Ola - breathing meditation

"Like a wave, your love arrived in my life," the song goes, "like a wave of limitless force..."  Como Una Ola, in case you were not living in Spanish speaking country in the 1980's,  was a great hit by Rocio Jurado.  The song describes the stages of a love affair, from its surprising arrival, its monumental growth and to its recoiling end.  In recent weeks I was inspired by the song (blame youtube for this) to practice a breathing meditation with focus on the limitless healing power of breathing. You can practice this meditation whenever you feel that you need to connect to the grace of the universe, or a mini vacation from a tough day.  Just set a timer and surf the wave;

Lie flat on your back on a mat or blanket, with knees bend.  Let the inhalation come down into your back body like the trough of a wave.  Feel how it flattens the back against the floor.  Let the wave fill your body, let it grow in your front body from the belly to the top of your longs.  With the exhalation let your body follow the wave's crest as it withdraws into the back of your pelvis and out of your tailbone...let the whole wave dissolve back to the ocean of grace, knowing that there will be a new wave.  When you mind wants to move to a different task, just bring it back to the breath, like a wave, "como una ola," and repeat the wave cycle as many times as you like.


Posted on March 1, 2011 and filed under Anusara, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Yoga.

Bound me up, bound me down

I'm fascinated by words that follow.    Last week I encountered the word boundary in many forms: while teaching,  while designing, during my yoga practice, while talking to my friends and ultimately listening to my teacher.  My yoga practice (Anusara) deeply involves the concept of freedom and its love relationship with boundaries.  Sometimes I feel the 1990's  film ¡Átame! is about yoga.  We are constantly asked to recognize the freedom in which we dwell, AND the best way to show that recognition is by creating boundaries that work for us.   So here is one of those examples of boundaries that I saw this week, probably not the most prevalent, but it is the easiest one for me to explain.   I decided to stop carrying every artifact I thought could help my day go smoother (it isn't very smooth when eight pounds of stuff follows you around, unless you are pregnant).   I started using the GRID-IT from COCOON.  This is a very open version of a zippered pouch.  In limiting the items that I can bring with me, I have expanded time and space, cultivating a fresh way to move with the belonging that make my day better (and knowing that I can choose what comes with me everyday, allows me to recognize my freedom everyday).  Bound away!

Posted on February 17, 2011 and filed under Anusara, design, Organization, Spirituality, Yoga.

Addicted to Love

I read this piece by the fabulous Jane Scott.  Aside from being an exuberant Art Director, artist and fashionista, the girl isn't afraid to inquire within!  Please enjoy this wonderful essay on love, breakups and makeups...

Make-ups and Break-ups by Jane Scott

Valentine’s Day is going to be a little different for me this year. I didn’t think that my enduring, long, passionate, 25-year love affair could be broken up by a Reality TV series preview video on Yahoo.  But, on January 4th, 2011, it did.

But,  the best place to start is at the beginning with my first real boyfriend, Anthony.

Anthony and I had gone the traditional route of friends first in the second, third and fourth grades. He was an impressive bachelor. He was the tallest in our class, very athletic, handsome, moderately intelligent, and good in math. His plagiarizing the classroom encyclopedia for any report’s subject be it country, explorer or historical event was mildly unsettling. But, I learned to choose my battles. He could draw. But, I wasn’t fond of his horrific skeletal violent depictions on paper, copied (of course) from the Iron Maiden t-shirts he frequently wore. But, we liked each other. We always sat near each other in class because our last names were alphabetically close. We had fun making each other laugh too.

Our relationship, like most elementary school ones occurred by means of a bizarre truth or dare “going around” negotiation with several classmates. There was no hugging, kisses, shared lunches, or gifts. Evidently love meant being picked as the first girl on his team after the athletic boys were picked. Although, I did receive my 5th grade obligatory Snoopy Valentine’s Day card stating “You + Me = Valentines”  and on the back “ To: Jane. Love: Anthony Rosini”. Not “FROM” mind you, but “LOVE”. A grand gesture for Anthony standards,  but not enough to keep me faithful.

A new passion emerged in my life of the non-human variety. That passion was the romance novel.

I started off with the lavender covered Silhouette novels circa 1970s/1980s.  These always required a picturesque locale and a wealthy, titled suitor. Oh, and they NEVER went all the way. Only third base. No home runs until a ring was promised and that was always at the second to last sentence. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Romance novels are about smut, not plot and location. And yes, that came later. But, my lavender novel reading courtship days were chaste.

I’d like to point out that I did have standards. No unattractive suitors on the cover. If the male model on the cover had a 70s moustache, leisure suit, excessive gold medallions or bad hair - Out. If he looked like a GQ magazine ad - In.

At some point in the 80s the violet series ceased being published. So, I quickly progressed to the white Harlequin ones and it was there that I lost my romantic literary virginity.  In white Harlequin novels, you get more action. Pre-marital action before love is established. Fondling coupled with missionary position sex, generally.

So, it was then that my relationship with romance novels in my hormonal teens became more about the fine art of the sex scene. The crafting of the seduction. The bulging muscles. The why’s, the when’s and where’s.  My friends may have been dating, but I had better things to do and read on a Friday night.

Which ushered in the red book series phase.  Not the finest relationship hour. For anyone knows the red ones are only about sex. They’re the cheapest in cost and in sentiment for a reason. It’s stamped on the flame filled covers in words like “Blaze” and “Heat.” The cover art is more negligee and bare chests, rarely respectable clothes.  No exotic locales, just satin sheets and wine glasses. The wham, bam thank you ma’am one nightstand quickie of romance novels.

These books pretty much announce to the world “I’M READING PORN!” But, then any romance series could have that association. But, the red ones were a little too loud and clear. They also had horrible plots, because well… they’re porn

Somewhere in the tawdriness, content actually became important.  The character’s journey not centered and derived solely on having three simultaneous orgasms for the first time on a kitchen table or swimming pool.

Which lead me to romantic fiction, chick lit, if you will. These are the books you can generally read in a mixed crowd or on public transportation. They usually have a point too.

I learned a very valuable lesson with the chick lit. When you are looking for quality, a sense of humor and depth. You CAN NOT rely on cover art. In fact, attractive cover art is generally a front for a badly written, boring book.

Which meant I had to seek out the ugly countryside covers that look like rejects for that PBS painting dude’s landscape paintings. Turns out the books without the pictures of the men were the ones that had characterizations, plots and could be occasionally funny too.

The heroines and heroes were messy, flawed, and issue-ridden. And sometimes, they didn’t even have sex on the page. Which kind of sucked frankly, but it was the price you paid for guessing a book’s content by its cover.

I’d like to think that my relationship with romance novels given this more realistic story somehow normalized into reading books other than romance. But, in gaining taste, I simply clung to those trusted authors’ books even tighter. I read and re-read these characters hoping for some secret code I could borrow or a world I could jump into other than my own.

When I had the rare occasion to actually venture out on a date or hope a friendship was more, the romance books were forgotten. But, the minute it went sour and reality stepped in. They were back to being my old trusty lovers. Ever present, never criticizing, always diverting.

I always viewed my romance novel love affair as that great research for my future soul mate. The more reading, the more research to share!  Oh the things I know… But, the years went by. The milestones of getting married, co-habituating, settling down, having kids were happening for everyone around me, except me. They happened every time I thumbed through the romance novel. But, my diary didn’t have the same entries.

Turns out. Reading romance novels a lot is a type of addiction: A love addiction. Yeah, they have them. A whole umbrella of options ranging from sex and romance addictions for the extroverts to fantasy addiction for the introverts like myself.

Which leads me to the break-up initiated by my trusty old KROQ Love Line D.J. I knew since my childhood and teen days in California, Dr. Drew. He has a TV show called Intervention. A celebrity rehab meets reality TV car crash of a show. I don’t have cable and tend to avoid it. But, the title of his TV series preview video “romance addiction” sparked my interest.  Anything with the word “romance” generally does. In the video, he briefly mentions the untapped world of love addictions. How they aren’t just about indiscriminate sex, but something subtler like excessive romance novel reading. And how all of these types of addictions are intimacy repelling. Which explains why I like to cuddle up to them on Friday nights.

Crap. So much for blaming the Facebook.

So now, I’m reading more books with “romance” in the title these days. They just center on creating worthiness, true intimacy and healing childhood wounds through appropriate adult boundary setting. Something romance novels failed to teach me.

So I’m breaking up with my co-dependent, unrealistic, intimacy deficient, truth neglecting, non-human paper lovers.

I know you were expecting a make-up scene. Every great romance novel’s final chapter has one. Trust me, I know. But, my make-up scene isn’t the resolution. It’s actually the problem.

My “making-up”, also known as another word for “pretending”, scene was finding something like romance novels to divert me from confronting my inner love demons in the first place. Finding the courage to love myself unconditionally. But, in defense of my old lover, my top few favorite romance novels actually do cover that on occasion. The savior is actually the self, not the white knight with his bulging manhood.

What we “make-up” to self soothe or divert from our true selves eventually has to “break-up” for us to live authentically. So, I don’t view this break-up with sadness, but rather with great hope and relief on behalf of my whole hearted, true self. I can still enjoy the occasional fiction, but only when I have participated in the more compelling non-fiction characters in my own life.

So, this break-up story isn’t one for the romance novels, but I’m thinking, that’s probably a good thing.

Posted on February 13, 2011 and filed under Spirituality, Uncategorized.

Yoga Mat Cleanse (a.k.a. how to clean your mat)


This is a love story.  If you’ve practice yoga for any amount of time, by now you’ve develop a trusting relationship with your yoga mat.  Yes, you’ve blamed it for your short comings, you’ve stepped all over it, you’ve tried parting with it, you’ve even cheated on it, but your heart and your practice always come back to it.  So as any good relationship counselor will tell you, today is the best time to strengthen this relationship and I suggest you start with a bath.

Now lets face it, after the bliss of Savasana, picking up a spray bottle may be the last thing in your mind, but, alas, as with any cleanse strategy, maintenance is everything.  If you keep your feet clean and your practice isn’t a sweat fest, a quick spray and wipe once a week if you are an active practitioner (or every other week if you are a passive one) should be enough to keep your mat fairly clean and free from smell-inducing-bacteria.

I’ve tried various methods to clean my mat; from good 'ol soap (bad, bad, bad idea), to fancy prepackage wipes, I didn't find them very effective. After 20+ years of yoga practice I’m sharing my yoga mat cleansing routine. These methods I’ve used for years on my robber-like mats and fabric-like mats, not with the leather like kind…If you own an upscale yoga mat, chances are that the manufacturer has instructions for cleaning it, you’re gonna have to make a judgement if my methods will work.

Spot cleaning and after class:

So this is my formula for a yoga mat cleaning solution, which I created after trying various versions.  There’re products out there in the market to clean yoga mats, by all means try them out,  I am sure some are fantastic.  Whatever you use, make sure there isn't any surfactant in it (i.e., a fancy way of saying soap) or you will be sliding on your mat like a lizard on marble floors - not pretty.

Ingredients for the yoga mat cleansing solution:

spray bottle (glass preferred)

white vinegar (a natural bleach, disinfectant)

water (Universal solvent, ask any Alchemist!)

alcohol such as vodka (natural drying agent, ask anyone who drinks martinis)

Tea Tree Essential oil and/or Lemongrass (any other antibacterial Essential Oil will work, I order my with Young Living)

In a spray bottle add 1 part white vinegar, 2 parts water, 1 part alcohol and 1/1000 parts tea tree essential oil.  [For example, 1 cup vinegar, 2 cups water, 1 cup alcohol, ~15 drops of essential oil]  This is a very inexpensive way to create a disinfectant and cleaning agent that does not contains any type of surfactant and it is also great to clean windows/mirrors!  This solution works great, just spray it on your mat and use a cleaning cloth to wipe out the mat.  Let it dry and store away.

Deep Cleanse

Now, if your mat is dirty, you may need more than a spray and wipe to get it clean.  Here is when a “romantic bath” comes in. 

a bath tub (or a washing machine)

two towels

drying rack (or two chairs, though you should really consider having a drying rack at home)

1/2 cup of backing soda

scrubbing brush

To give your yoga mat a bath, you will need about twenty minutes for the bath portion (or the wash cycle, cold temp water) and a space to hang to dry your mat for at least 48 hrs.  Set the drying rack onto a towel.  Take you mat and roll it out into your bath tub, the fitting may depend on the size of your tub and mat, so do the best you can.  Spray the yoga mat cleansing solution as described above, if the mat is really dirty, add baking soda .  Fill the tub with about 1 to 2 inches of water and begin to use the good 'ol elbow grease with the scrubbing brush.  If you are using a washing machine, spray mat with cleaning solution and then add backing soda instead of detergent.

You can repeat the spray, baking soda, water and scrubbing as many times as your mat needs it.  When you are satisfied, rinse the mat. 

Here is where your muscles come in place.  You must wring out as much water as you can, ask for help if mat is too heavy.  When you can’t squeeze more water out of the mat, roll your mat and one of the towels together as shown in the picture.  You can step on this roll to get as much water out of the mat as possible.  You can hang your mat on the drying rack for 48 hrs or so, make sure the mat is dry before you start using it again. You will feel so good and proud of your mat.  Keep cleaning it with the spray/wipe method and you probably won't need to do the bath more than once or twice a year.


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Alive by Raw Chocolate

I recently met this beautiful girl, Christine McSpedon.  She is a Holistic Health Counselor from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  I know; I asked the same question.  She specializes in working with those who are transitioning into including more plant-based foods into their lifestyle and people who just want to eat what is right for them.  Oh, I so need a health coach.  To learn more about Christine and for a free health history visit her website at I met Christine while she was looking for the perfect gift packaging for chocolate truffles.  I know; I asked her the same question.  She makes the truffles herself.  She told me that she began making raw vegan chocolate truffles to healthfully satisfy the sweet tooth of many of her clients.  And then, one night at a networking party Christine’s truffles took on a life of their own . To her surprise people wanted to buy her truffles and NutsBalls Truffles was born. In between helping her wonderful clients achieve balance and wellness and rolling out boxes of chocolate goodness, Christine also hosts workshops on green smoothies and healthy cooking.  She is my nutritional heroine.

I was able to extract from Christine the basic recipe for raw chocolate truffles.  This recipe can be the solution to the infamous dessert Death by Chocolate, which leaves you, well, dead.  These babies are raw, vegan, organic, and dairy & gluten free!  Before you read the recipe, here are some kewl fact about raw cacao that Christine shared with me:

It Keeps you Young! Cacao contains the highest amount of antioxidants than any other food (including red wine!)

It’s Mineral Rich! Cacao is a high source of Magnesium, Iron, Chromium,  Manganese & Zinc!

Enhances Mood & Concentration Cacao contains: •    Phenylethylamine - a chemical group naturally produced by our bodies when we fall in love. •    Anandamide -an endorphin also known as the “Bliss Chemical”. •    Trytophan -an essential amino acid that produces serotonin

This is what you need

A food processor (or a Molcajete!) ¼ cup organic raw cacao powder 6 dried organic apricots ½ cup soaked raw organic almonds 2tsp warmed (so its liquid) organic coconut oil 2 tsp organic raw organic agave 1tsp warmed organic raw coconut butter ½ vanilla bean Pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt

This is what you do In a mini food processor  blend cacao, vanilla bean, coconut oil. Add apricots and agave. Remove and put to the side. Process almonds until very fine. Using a medium processor /batches in mini or simply mixing with hands combine ingredients and mix adding coconut butter and salt. Roll into teaspoon size balls.

For different flavors try adding nutmeg & cinnamon (pumpkin spice), lemon zest, almond extract, coconut flakes. Roll in nuts, cacao powder or dip in chocolate.

I know; I asked her the same question.  If you just want to try these delicious Nuts Balls Truffles, you can contact Christine for ordering information and current flavors or you can even call her 914.319.54.14

Are my spices too old?

I originally posted this back in 2009 in Al-Abode, but I feel it was worth posting again. This is my favorite time of the year to cook and try out new recipes. I can already smell the earthy flavors of the fresh roots roasting in the oven and the ambrosial aroma that spices can bring out from any dish. To prepare for this coming feast, I decided to re-organize my spices and in the process I started questioning the freshness of some of my bottled friends. I bought some of these spices when the Spice Girls were coming out with their first album--OK, I had to mention the Spice Girls somehow, forgive me.

I consulted the McCormick's site, they had some good tips to determine if you must edit your spices and replace them. To remember these tips think CASH (after all it cost some cash to replace spices)--Color, Aroma, Storage and Humidity. Here is the run down in my own words,

Color: Check to see that the color of your spices and herbs is vibrant. Pastels are not vibrant colors, I don't care what Martha says. If the color has faded, so has the sass--kind of the highlights on your hair. No color, toss. (of course, if the spice is cream or light to begin with, use your intuition)

Aroma: Rub or crush the spice or herb in your hand, smell it. (You can follow this rule in dating as well). If the aroma is weak and flavor is not apparent, toss it.

Storage: Store herbs and spices in a tightly capped container, and keep away from heat, moisture, and direct sunlight. There were wars fought over spices and expensive enterprises were device just for spices - Columbus' journey, any one?  Spices are expensive, spend some time and effort in keeping them in the proper container. If you haven't stored the spices properly, chances are they need to be replaced.

Handling: Try not to sprinkle spices and herbs directly from the bottle into a steaming pot. OK, I do this all the time. Repeated exposure to heat and moisture will ruin the whole thing - think about the hair analogy again. Measure them into a cup, measuring spoon, or bowl and then add to your recipe. If the spice is moist, it needs to be tossed.

While doing my research, I found this very useful picture:

Determine if your spice needs replacement
Determine if your spice needs replacement

I love how Vanilla extract lasts "indefinitely"...guys, take note: diamonds may last forever, but vanilla smells better!

Have fun cleaning up your spices and if you have any questions let me know.

Posted on January 29, 2011 and filed under cooking, Organization.

Storing Ginger - vodka pickled ginger

Whenever I can, I use fresh ingredients.  One of my favorite flavors to add to any zesty meal is ginger root (by the way not really a root, but an underground stem or rhizome).  Minced or grated, the fresh aroma of ginger root will evoke voluptuousness and its spicy flavor will delight you every time.  Fresh ginger root is like the Scarlett Johansson of spices!  But just like any starlet would tell you, it is not easy to stay fresh. Typically, one only uses a small amount of fresh ginger root in a dish .  So I always ended up trying to store the rest so I could have it available when I needed more.  I tried or heard of many methods: wrapping on paper towel and placing in the refrigerator (only good for a week storage); pickle ginger in Madeira wine (I never tried this, but it sounds odd); wrapping in aluminum foil in the freezer (stores well for a long time and the flavor is great, but texture and handling is awful), and burring it underground in a small pot in the kitchen and keeping it moist (OK Martha, I have a hard time remembering to water the plants that I can see!).  So after many years and trial, this is the method that gives the best results:  vodka pickled ginger.  This is a variation from a Japanese technique I heard in which ginger is stored in sake.  I however, always trust vodka over any alcohol (I think Scarlett does too)  This will provide you with fresh ginger for up to a year.  A bonus is that you can prepare ginger martini, nothing is wasted.

Things you will need

ginger root

a vegetable peeler and a metal spoon

a clean glass jar (this is why you keep those around)


permanent marker

This is what you do

Peel the ginger root using the vegetable peeler for the straight sections and the spoon for the curvy ones.  Place the ginger root inside the jar.  Add vodka till the root is submerged.  Place the lid on the jar and write the date on the lid.  This is the best way to preserve your ginger.  Fresh, crunchy, light color, every time.  Keep in the refrigerator for up to a year.

Posted on January 20, 2011 and filed under cooking, Organization, Recycle.

A Winter Corpse

The winter months seem to move slower than the rest of the year, which I am always willing to emulate.  The darkness, I thought, was an invitation to contemplate in the solitude of my home.  And there is a lot of true in that.  My thoughts about winter shifted recently, when my friend Lafy invited me to a walk in the park with her (look at her, how can you resist?)  This new experience showed me that there is so much more active energy in winter than what I thought.  There in the woods, walking with friends, there was a clam, peaceful, almost inanimate scene, but the energy around us was inquisitive, playful, and inviting. This shift in perspectives is similar to what we may experience during Savasana (a yoga pose meaning corpse pose).  In the traditional pose, the body lays face up on the floor motionless, very much like a corpse or your drunk roommate in college.  By staying still for some time and keeping the mind quiet, one relaxes in a very conscious way.  According to B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the world’s foremost yoga teachers, this is a very difficult pose to master.  You can see why; even when we ask the body to stay still, the mind will move in all directions.  Sometimes, when I want to practice Savasana for a longer period of time (10-15 minutes), I try a more grounding version as the one I describe below.  This isn’t a replacement for the classical pose; one must think of this version as hiking in a winter wonderland with a great friend; something you may not want to do everyday, but you sure enjoy it every time.

Things you’ll need

comfortable clothing

~15 to 20 minutes total

a wall, everyone needs a good yoga wall at home and any wall would do!

a mat or rug to lie down

3 to 4  blankets (such as Mexican blankets or large bath towels)

a bolster (if you don’t have one read Create Your Bolster Substitute)

What to do

Roll up a blanket, burrito-style, and place it alongside a wall.  Lie down with the soles of your feet against the blanket.  Place an additional rolled blanket or bolster under your knees.  These actions will passively engage you calve muscles and allow the thighbones to move deeper into the hip socket (i.e., for Anusara folks: Loops activate!).  This helps release tension in the iliopsoas and allows the pelvis to rest more heavily on the ground.  Place a folded blanket or sofa pillow over your belly to release tension and weigh the hips down even more.  Rest your arms by your side, palm facing up; keep the arm closer to your torso for this variation.  Place a folded blanket under the head for extra support.  Your chin should be perpendicular to the floor and your throat should feel open and tension free - think CPR!  With each inhalation summon a feeling of gratitude and wonder, and with each exhalation allow the earth to fully hold each part of your body.  After some time you will feel grounded, this may take longer for some of us, and a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, so keep bringing awareness to the breath.  Be patient and you will feel the hand of Mother Nature holding you in space, while you relax.

Posted on January 14, 2011 and filed under Anusara, Yoga, yoga poses.

Create your bolster substitute

I heard that there used to be a tradition, not sure where, in which a wife would construct a long cushy pillow out of bamboo and offer it to her husband  before he'd go on a trip.  They idea, was that he wouldn't feel so lonely at night.  This, I heard, is the story behind the name "Dutch Pillow," a cousin of the bolster.   I don't know if a bolster can truly replace a spouse, but it can sure make you feel supported when it matter the most: while relaxing in a restorative yoga pose. Chances are that if you practice any type of restorative yoga, your practice will be enhanced with a bolster, which is a great investment.  I really recommend having one at home.   However, if you don't have the space for one or if you don't have the inclination of adding a bolster to your collection of "let me try this," here is my way of faking one at home - I mean, if a wife can fake a bed companion for her husband, it is only fair...

I tried various versions of this bolsters substitute, this is the version that resembles the supported feeling of the bolsters you may encounter at a yoga studio.

Things you will need

2 bath towels

2 blocks or equal size hardcover books, such as Harry Potter (if traveling, hotels usually have handy books available)

1  heavy blanket - I used a Mexican style blanket


Here is what you do

Fold each towel in thirds lengthwise, then fold it into a rectangle over a block/book.  Fold the blanket into a quarter of its size, make sure that if the blanket has fringes, they stay to the same side.   Place one of the (block/book + towel) rolls lengthwise close to one of the short ends of the blanket, then place the second roll next to it.  Fold the blanket over the rolls as many times needed till there is no more blanket left to fold.

Listo, you got yourself a spouse substitute or a pet for your existing bolster!  Take it for a spin...there are many restorative yoga poses you can try now.

Posted on January 3, 2011 and filed under design, Living spaces, Yoga, yoga poses.

Boot Tray 2.0

A boot tray in your mudroom or entrance space can be a blessing when you are dragging the not so nice snow in your home.  I loved the idea of the boot trays, but I was always irritated after a puddle of water was left marinating my snow boots.  Martha Stewart to the rescue; she suggests adding river stones to the tray to allow the melting water to move below the stones, allowing the shoes to dry faster and to stay dry.  It works so well, I can’t even tell you how exciting I get to see this simple design at work.  You can find a rubber tray at The Container Store (TCS) , Bed, Bath and Beyond (BB&B) or simply recycle an old lid from a discarded plastic box.  If hunting for river stones is not your thing, Michaels sells the stones.

Posted on December 28, 2010 and filed under design, Living spaces, Organization, Recycle.

I resolve to intent

intention [inˈten ch ən]; noun:, aim, purpose, design, contemplation. At this time of the year I hear and read a lot about New Year’s resolutions.  Even though this concept is still foreign to me, I always find the transition time to a new calendar year a good opportunity to clarify my intentions.  Not necessarily my goals, but just my spiritual intentions or purpose.  One can do this just by taking simple actions that show the person one wants to be.

I remembered a New Year celebration years ago back at home, when my aunt Hilda right before midnight brought out a suitcase she had packed earlier that day and went out into the night to make sure the New Year would find her “traveling”.  She later explained that her wishes for the New Year were to travel abroad, so she was showing the New Year what she wanted.  I’ve always loved her demonstration of faith and this idea has always inspired me to try to behave in the way I want to be seen.  I am not advising we start packing suitcases (though I do remember aunt Hilda traveling to several countries that year); or hitting the gym at midnight on January 1st to confirm our resolution to get in shape (though I am thinking this would be a good time to find an empty treadmill in January).  What we can do to clarify our purpose in life is to acting out our intentions, and by doing so we become who we aspire to be or become inspire to re-design our intentions…Happy New Year.

Posted on December 28, 2010 and filed under Spirituality.