Cucumber Apple Salad - a break from breakroom treats

I worked in retail for so long that I tend to ignore the holiday decorations and music, gliding oblivious to the fact that the end of the year is approaching.  To me, the holiday season starts the moment all the home made treats appear on the break-room tables across America.  New recipes get tested, excess sweet treats get recycled, sugary gifts get name it; temptation lurks around the corner.  Unless you are made out of stone, you will succumb.   When I do, I always tell myself what I imagine Iyanla Vanzant would tell me: ' Beloved - I love when she says that- you must first forgive yourself, don't blame the sweets, don't blame yourself, ask instead what can you do to bring  the caring and wellness that you deserve back into your life?' Nothing serves me better than a nutritious, light and fresh lunch.  Below is one of my favorite cleansing salads.   The crunchy apples and watery cucumbers always taste heavenly during this time of the year.  Enjoy.

This is what you need

1 Apple- cored and diced.  I tend to use green apples, but you can try your favorite kind.

1 small cucumber, peeled and chopped with seeds removed

1/4 small red onion, diced

1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar

sea salt and fresh pepper

Sometimes I add a little mint or any other fresh herb I may have at hand.  A little bit goes a long way with these simple ingredients.

This is what you do

In a bowl, toss all ingredients together and serve!  I love any recipe this easy.  I promise the flavor of this small lunch will be so big you will be satisfied till snack time.

Posted on November 30, 2011 and filed under cooking.

Roasted Pumpkin and Arugula Salad

My new friend roof-top-sparklers-show-Angel gave me a the biggest pumpkin to take home the other day and I have taken it as a personal mission to use every ounce of this pumpkin.  I have incorporated the darn thing in all my fall recipes and I still have some pumpkin left,  so I dusted my recipe box and found this glorious arugula-pumpkin salad recipe in there.  I am not sure where I found this little treasure, but I feel I should give credit to Martha Stewart.  I think we all should give credit to Martha Stewart even when it is not her recipe.  Just reading the recipe makes me salivate in anticipation; partnering the sweet pumpkin with the tingling flavors of arugula and peppers is, well, just genius.  Enjoy. This is what you need

  • 1/4 cup pepitas (hulled pumpkin seeds)
  • 1 pumpkin (3 1/2 to 4 pounds), peeled, seeded, and cut in 1 1/2-inch chunks
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, unpeeled
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • Coarse salt and black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup (you can use honey if you don't like maple syrup)
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice (sometimes I use lemon juice or white wine  if I don't have time to go to the store)
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 1/2 pounds arugula (2 to 3 bunches, thick stems removed), washed and dried
  • 6 ounces feta cheese (you could opt this out if you are vegan)

This is what you do

  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.  Spread pepitas on a large rimmed baking sheet; toast in oven, tossing occasionally, until fragrant and beginning to brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Set aside.
  2. On a large, rimmed baking sheet, toss pumpkin with 2 tablespoons oil, garlic, red pepper, salt, and black pepper. Roast, tossing occasionally, until pumpkin is tender, 25 to 30 minutes.  IMPORTANT TIP:  If you tend to forget that you have things in the oven, like I do, set your timer to 10 minutes at a time so you remember to toss/flip the pumpkin- the pumpkin will burn if you forget to toss.
  3. Remove garlic cloves from sheet pan; set aside. Drizzle pumpkin with 2 tablespoons maple syrup; toss to coat. Return to oven and continue roasting, tossing every four minutes, until pumpkin is glazed, 8 to 12 minutes more; let  it cool.
  4. Meanwhile, cut off root ends of garlic cloves; squeeze out garlic and mash to a paste with the side of a knife. Transfer to a large bowl. Add lime juice, mustard, and remaining maple syrup; season with salt and pepper. Whisking constantly, add remaining oil in a steady stream; once emulsified set aside.
  5. Add arugula and pumpkin and toss to combine. Serve salad sprinkled with toasted pepitas and crumbled feta cheese.

This is good for 4 servings.

Posted on November 23, 2011 and filed under cooking.

Aromatherapy for your yoga practice

Chances are that if you have been around me in the last several years, you have come in contact with  my aromatherapy experiments - I do apologize for the Summer of patchouli ; experiments do come with sacrifices.
I am not gonna try  to explain what makes Essential Oils and Aromatherapy such a unique and interesting form of alternative medicine, I'll let you explore the information on you own.  I can only tell you that  it has made my health a lot better since I started using them.
There are different ways to use essential oils, and they have a lot of emotional and esoteric properties attributed to essential oils,  however I will concentrate on the practical ways in which I  use them during my yoga practice.  Needless to say,  if you tend to have allergies or have a specific condition, consult with your doctor before exploring the wonderful benefits of essential oils.
Before and After your Yoga Practice
  • Preparing the space: Diffusing oils like lemon essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, Thieves® essential oil or Purification® essential oil before or in between yoga class will purify the air while bringing a refreshing, uplifting energy to the space.
  • Cleaning:  For cleaning your yoga mat, props and or the area where you practice, you can use my formula.    Thieves household cleaner is a great non-toxic-disinfectant alternative for those of you who don't enjoy the DIY projects.

During your Yoga Practice

  • Meditation (dhyana): Diffuse or directly inhale oils such as lavender essential oil can sooth your mind and senses to become more open.  I find the calming quality of lavender very useful in softening my heart and opening my mind to the experience of meditation.  By the way, lavender is like the baking-soda of essential oils; it can practically be used in all circumstances (and a little trivia, the term Aromatherapy was named after the use of lavender essential oil to treat burn victims- royalty! )
  • Breathing (pranayama): The pure aroma of essential oils such as eucalyptus essential oil can assist in opening the pathways of your respiratory system (pharmaceutical companies reproduce synthetically this chemicals, but can we really surpass nature's wisdom?).  If I wake up with a stuffy nose, I diffuse eucalyptus essential oil in the room.  I sometime do a face steam bath with one drop of  eucalyptus essential oil...this is a stronger application for more severe nasal congestion, but so effective - again consult with your doctor if you have any medical condition.
  • Poses (asana): Topical application of oil-diluted peppermint  essential oil may help alleviate muscle soreness and tension.  Make sure you dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil such as almond oil.  I sometime use  lavender essential oil  to decrease post-practice muscle irritation or yoga mat burns.

If you have any comments or questions, please let me know.   There is a lot of information available through the Young Living website, the company I get my essential oils from.   I also have various aromatherapists available for questions.

How to Order Organic & High Quality Essential Oils? I created an ordering essential oils page with easy steps to make it easy.  There are a lot of products market as essential oils, but therapeutic grade oils are the ones to use for Aromatherapy...after all there is aroma & therapy in Aromatherapy!!

Experience life...better.

Less <3 More

“What if we could save money, radically reduce our environmental impact, and have a freer, less complicated life?”  Now that is an attention-grabbing-question, isnt’ it?  This exactly is the premised behind the interior-design project LifeEdited.  In the project, Graham Hill challenged interior designers to create a space using technology and common sense to transform his NYC 420 square foot apartment into a comfortable place to live.  I mean, comfortable: home office, space for 2 guests to stay over, a sit down dinner for 12, lounge space for 8 and even a workout/steam room!! I totally recommend you look at the designs submitted- the winning designs are outstanding, and you can also see all the submitted designs.  It is a feast of multi-function and organization.  However, you don’t have to move or remodel your home to achieve this Less = More status, you can start right now and I think that  we  can all use technology and common sense to make more out of our living spaces.  Here are some life-editing steps we can all implement immediately:

Multipurpose spaces:  allowing your real estate to be multifunctional doesn’t have to involved designer or custom-built contractions (though I have seen some amazing work at my friend Lalita’s renovated apartment).  If you want to transform, for instance your living room into your personal yoga space, add casters or furniture sliders to your coffee table and sofa and listo, you have created the necessary space for your yoga mat.  Another example could be packing your laptop computer and file folders in a canvas tote when you are not using them, this can clear a lot of space of your desk or kitchen table.

Store everything digitally: this may require some effort and time, but the amount of space you will gain will be lucrative and satisfying.  First sign up to receive your bills electronically-don't ask any question, just do it.  Additionally, little by little you can download your CD and DVD to your computer.  Donate the hard copies to your local Library.  Chances are you have a bulky printer that scans, faxes and make copies; it is time you put it to use and begin to scan to your computer all those snapshots from the 90’s that you have been carrying with you for decades.  You will be surprise the amount of embarrassments you will inflict on your facebook friends.  Worried about computer memory?  You can use countless sites to store your information.

Think Accessibility vs. Ownership:  Netflix, eBooks, SoundCloud…should I continue?  You get the idea, why have excess DVDs, Books, CDs collecting dust and taking space.  The only way to allow for the divine grace of new/fresh ideas to come into your living space is to have space for it (spiritually, mentally & YES, PHYSICALLY!)

Only Keep Essential Necessities:  Constantly, ask yourself how is this item serving my vision, my values and everyday harmony?  That is a tough requirement to fulfill, but aren’t you and your home worth it?  Think about it, how could you take space from your everyday existence for something that isn’t allowing you to live a better life?  Edit, edit harshly.

Find + Abundance in your Day with these Free Services

One of the most re-occurring contemplations that occupy my mind is that of ABUNDANCE… I spent a whole summer trying to find abundance through butter; please ask me about it when you see me next. As we come to celebrate the harvest time, it could seem that we don’t have enough, and yet if we take the time to stop and become a receptacle of the always abundant power of the universe we can see how many amazing thing are always available to us.  On that spirit, I decided to share some of my favorite sites that are available to all of us that have access to the Internet. - The best free way to manage your money.

Mint brings all your financial accounts together online or on your mobile device, automatically categorizes your transactions, lets you set budgets and helps you achieve your savings goals.  This may be a scary thing to do, but it really pays off to have a personal secretary keeping track of your expenses and your INCOME! - Amazing free way to practice Anusara yoga on the go

Elsie is this fabulous Anusara yoga teacher that has been my cyber teacher for years.  I absolutely love her Free Online Yoga Classes.  She also has a very cool App available for your mobile devices.

There are over 80 audio yoga classes on the site. They range from basic yoga/beginner yoga classes to more advanced yoga practices. The length of the classes also varies. Classes can be from 45 min to 90 minutes. The average class runs about 75 minutes.

You can find those classes easily via the categories on the side bar, as they’ve been split up for greater accessibility. Each class has it’s own post, that begins with a small intro article, a link to the mp3 file, which you can download or stream directly from your computer or mobile device and the corresponding sequence of classes highlighted by pictures.

Dropbox - Best free way to store and share electronic files online

My friend Xavier introduced me to this service.  For those of us that are not willing dedicate time to technology this is the perfect "cloud computing" site.  It is the easiest way to share documents of all kind among all your computers and with other people.

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Dropbox was founded in 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, two MIT students tired of emailing files to themselves to work from more than one computer.

Today, more than 25 million people across every continent use Dropbox to always have their stuff at hand, share with family and friends, and work on team projects.

Cinnamon Spinach Recipe

Cooler temperatures connect me with my kitchen and all the delights I tend to experience during these harvesting months.  Vegetables are so readily available and the kaleidoscopical transformation of the trees inspires me to use spices in some very irreverent ways.  Cumin mayo, mustard seeds dressings, paprika syrup, and the conspicuous cinnamon with pretty much any vegetable- what a decadent experience for the senses. Just the other night I concocted a very simple and delightful recipe using cinnamon.  I am calling it, well, Cinnamon Spinach.  It is a perfect side dish, but be aware that it will be the main attraction on your plate.  Below see the recipe and right after I am listing ten + one benefits of cinnamon.  Enjoy…

This is what you need (serves 2)

1 Lb of washed spinach

1 Tbl. spoon of olive oil

½ Tea spoon of Cinnamon


This is what you do

This recipe doesn’t take a lot of time so prepare when you are ready to serve dinner.  To begin, add the olive oil to a medium size skillet and heat for one minute.  Add all the spinach to the skillet and begin to stir it with a fork.  Add the cinnamon and salt to taste.  If you are new to cooking spinach, don’t panic looking at the overflow of spinach in the skillet, when cooked it will shrink considerably.  I love the earthy and voluptuous flavors that the cinnamon brings out in this simple side dish.

When it comes to food, I am a believer that when you listen to your senses and your body’s reaction, you can tell a lot about the benefits of food, but for those that need more information these are at least ten benefits I found listed for cinnamon:

  1.  Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.
  2. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.
  3. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.\
  4. In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
  5. It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
  6. In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.
  7. When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative
  8. One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
  9. Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.
  10. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
  11. Delicious!!!!!
Posted on October 18, 2011 and filed under cooking.

Re-energize your workday - yoga at your desk

Sitting at your desk, working hours at a time and  creating repetitive movements can stop the flow of Shakti (a.k.a. it can suck the living energy out of you).  The tension of meeting deadlines, plus the constriction of typing and looking at a screen for sure creates tightness in my shoulders and thigh muscles.   A good way to counteract this effects is going regularly to a yoga class.  I also find that taking several yoga-breaks during the day is a fabulous way to stay in the flow all day long---lets face it, cigarette breaks aren't coming back, so if you are choosing a healthy lifestyle, don't get punish by it, take a yoga-break today! These are my favorite desk-asanas; please ask your yoga teacher for variations for your specific needs or contact me.

Sit with a straight back, making sure your feet are grounded on the floor-about hip distance distance apart.  Clasp your hands, and extend your arms forward. Turn the palms away from you and raise your arms until the palms face the ceiling.  As you inhale fill the torso with air from the bottom of the spine to the top of your lungs.  Expand the ribcage concentrically as you do so. Pay attention to to your back, we tend to forget to breath in this region.  Make sure the shoulders and sides of your neck are moving back.  Stretch and feel yourself growing taller as you reduce the stress in your head, neck, and shoulders. This posture lengthens your sides, and it just plain feels good.

Sit tall and place your arms in front of you at a 90 degree angle. Cross your arms so that the right arm is above the left. Interlock your arms and press your palms together with the tips of your fingers pointed upward. Feel yourself contracting.  Surrender to this feeling and begin to breath deeply while relaxing your shoulder blades.  This pose strengthens triceps, shoulders, and back muscles. It’s a good preventative measure against carpal tunnel syndrome.   If you know the full pose, add your legs by simply cross your legs and interlock them with one foot behind the other. Do the left arm above the right next.

Sugarless Lemonade

The allure of a freshly squeezed lemonade has the promise of nostalgia, relaxation and cooling.  Every summer I indulge in the nectar of the citrus-gods, only to face the consequences of too much processed sugar.  So I armed myself with a bag of sunny lemons (blessed be Trader Jo's super affordable lemons) and alternative sweeteners to find the perfect lemonade recipe without process sugar and, after many trial, here are the recipes. Agave Lemonade

This version tastes the best, I would even say that it taste better than traditional lemonade.  I know, I said it.  Just be aware that if using raw agave syrup the color be be rather dark - think of it as a tanned lemonade.

1 cup of lemon juice

1 cup of agave nectar

8 cups of water

Shake mixture as hard as you can,  you can add more water or agave nectar according to your taste, but this is a good basic recipe.  If doing an individual glass, squeeze half a lemon into a glass, add equal volume of agave nectar and then fill the glass with one cup of water.

Honey Lemonade

I thoroughly enjoy the taste of honey, and this is my favorite lemonade.

1 cup of honey

1 cup of hot water

3/4 cup of lemon juice

8 cups of cold water

First you have to prepare a honey syrup by stirring in the honey with the hot water, over low heat till blended.  Let the mixture cool.  Sometimes I prepared the syrup ahead of time and you have keep it in the refrigerator, the honey won't precipitate out of the mixture.  To prepare the lemonade, add lemon juice and cold water to the honey syrup and stir well.  If you want to do an individual batch, you can use the juice of half a lemon, about 4 tablespoons of honey syrup and add 1 cup of cold water.

I enjoy mixing lemon and limes when preparing lemonades,  I find the mixture irreverent and uplifting.  So next time summer gives you lemons (or limes), you know what to do.

Free your T's and the rest will follow

If there were a sartorial symbol of American summer freedom it'd be the cotton T-shirt.  They are audacious, cool and comfortable.  However, these freedom-fighters can get easily lost and forgotten while piled on top of each other inside a drawer.  Any yogi could tell you stories of summoning peace and calm not to go crazy trying to find a T-shirt lost in a messy drawer.  Here is an organization tip that will allow you to have a greater visibility and accessibility to all your T-shirts (while at the same time reuse those old bookends left over from the pre-e books era) This is what you need

An L shape bookend.  It is amazing what you can organize with items you already own and are not using.

This is what you do

Fold your T-shirts (I know.  In order for this idea to work you gotta do some work).  Any classic T-shirt folding will work.  I like to fold them in thirds, lengthwise as per pictures.  Then fold them in thirds again.  Nine-fold style.  I learned this technique from a pair of twins that are over 6' tall, they should know how to make all their clothing small to fit in a drawer.

Once you have your T-shirts folded, instead of placing them onto each other, stand them next to each other and use the book end to keep them in place.  As you can see from the picture, you can now see all your T's at once and the book end will keep them from becoming a mess.

Chronicles of a Closet Cleanse

My smart, beautiful and ever pragmatic friend Jennifer Rose did what most of us are afraid of doing; she plunged into the arduous yet rewarding task of excavating, cataloging and yes, organizing her closet.  Jenifer hosts a style blog.  I recently caught up with her and we talked about the scary mission of organizing one's closet.  Please read her anecdotal accounts below, at the end you can also read the unedited Q&A session we held; I enjoyed so much exploring the very spiritual and practical ways in which organizing can elevate the status of the spaces we have, I hope you enjoy it too.

What I Did Over The Long Weekend - J. Rose Style

So my first post is about what I did this weekend.  The weekend started simply enough, I went to the library to pick up some movies and while perusing the non-fiction books section I found this, "The Shopping Diet: Spend Less to Get More", by Phillip Bloch.  Reading the bio on the back one can ascertained that Bloch is a jack of all trades, stylist, writer, commentator, the list goes on.  The book is aimed at people with shopping compulsions or addictions, the promise is that by considering what you actually wear in your wardrobe you will become more aware of what you need, what your style is and what looks good on your body, therefore less likely to make those unnecessary purchases that lead to a budget crisis.  I was intrigued. I am not a compulsive shopper, but I always felt like a terribly uninformed or unaware shopper.  Constantly buying something I like without considering what I have at home to go with it or even if it was really flattering to my figure.  As a result my closet was a mish mash, without enough solid pieces to build an outfit with and a bunch of clothes that didn't fit right.  My closet was in desperate need of editing.  Following the steps in Part Two of the book (Part One is about assessing your style, what you wear frequently, etc...) I emptied my entire closet, in season, out of season, accessories, jewelry, socks and underwear.  My bedroom looked like my closet threw up everywhere.  Ahh!! However my closet was completely empty.

Using the tips Bloch outlined, I separated my clothes into categories and then I began to edit.  Trying on everything in front of a full length mirror and deciding if it stayed in the closet, was fixed, was sold on eBay or donated.

Jennifer Closet after cleaning it outMy very well edited closet.  Not sparse, minimalist darling.

It took an entire afternoon, but the process was very cathartic and eye opening.  I don't have a lot left in my closet, but what is left are clothes and accessories I truly love and wear constantly.  The pieces that I feel are missing from my, now very well edited closet are written on a list that will go with me whenever I go shopping.  I don't feel like I need a lot of clothes, in fact the more clothes I had the more stifled I felt.  Yes, I thought that all those clothes gave me more outfit choices, but they didn't.  Having too many choices made getting dressed too complicated and overwrought.  I think that the key to style is knowing what works for you, on you, having great accessories to spice up any outfit and carrying yourself with confidence wherever you go.

Q & A - A Yogic Perspective in Organizing Your Closet

Q- So Jenifer, what motivated you to look into the closet?

A- Mornings are always crazy,the most challenging part of my mornings were when I went to get dressed, I would open the closet, see it stuffed with clothes and feel completely overwhelmed. In February, I was reading Philip Bloch's book "The Shopping Diet" and it had a statistic like women do not wear 80% of the clothing they own, instead they wear the same key pieces that are comfortable and fit.  Major aha! moment, choices in terms of my closet are bad, instead of feeling empowered by the choice of clothes, I felt overwhelmed.  I knew the closet needed to be purged and resolved to do it immediately.

Q- What was your vision or intention when you finally decided to get your closet re-organized?

A- When I started I knew I wanted to cut that "80%", the extra stuff, the fat.  I wanted my closet to be well edited to suit my current taste, only containing pieces that fit well and make me feel great when I wear them.  Every woman wants that, I just didn't realize how much I didn't need till I dug in.

Q- Did you use any organization technique in particular?  What tips or advice was most useful for your closet cleansing?

A- The first thing I did was to remove the extra hangers, this freed up a lot of space in the closet and made it easier to work.  I put the hangers in a box to the side in case I needed them.  Next I took everything out of the closet, in-season, out of season everything.  When everything is hanging up in a dark closet it's hard to evaluate, bring it into the broad light of day so you get a clear picture of what's been lurking in there.  As I was taking things out of the closet I sorted them by type, skirts, shirts, pants, etc... I made piles of like items so I could evaluate what I had, example why do I have three pairs of black pants.

I know a lot of people are probably grimacing at the prospect of this kind of deep cleansing, but you need to "make a mess" to get things in order.  Also do not, I repeat do not go out and buy things to organize the closet before you clean it out.  Clean it out first then see what you need.

Q- How did you decide what garments or accessories had to go?  What were you looking for when you looked in the mirror?  and What did you do with items that you weren't sure if they had to go?

A- In order to decide what stayed and what went I brought in a full length mirror.  I tried everything on and was brutally honest with myself about, what worked, what didn't and what was just so-so.  If you aren't able to be that honest, invite over some friends that will be.

For sorting the things to get rid of I pulled out four bags, I labeled them all, one for donations, one for things that I like but need to be fixed, another for things I thought I could sell on eBay (new or almost items) and the last one was for sentimental clothes (things I won't wear, but have a special meaning and maybe one day I will part with).  I also brought out a garbage bag for things I couldn't salvage (happy to note, that the clothes in the garbage were recycled into cleaning rags).

If there was a case where I couldn't decide I took a picture of myself wearing the item.  Usually the picture didn't lie, if it didn't flatter my figure out it went.  Clothes that don't suit your shape are like backstabbing friends, they'll tell you that you look great to your face and then turn around and reveal your flaws to the world, who needs that.

Accessories are only as good as the clothes they go with, if I had any scarves, belts and shoes, that never matched the clothes I have, I got rid of them.  It's probably because they were colors I never wear.  Also I got rid of any belts or shoes that didn't fit, they were just taking up space.

When I put everything back in the closet I knew it was only things that fit, that flattered and that matched what I owned.  I sorted the clothes by type when hanging them up (making it easy to sort through) and the color.

More isn't always better, sometimes it's just more.

Essential Exposure

I hope it's save to say that winter is gone; after veiling my skin for the last months with cold weather, bright lights, dry air and public transportation air, I am ready for a deep cleansing of my skin.   Scrubbing my skin is my way to polish and groom the shield that allows me to interact with the world and what better time to clean the skin than Spring (this can be done all year around though) A little nerdy facts, exfoliants cleanse deep within the pores and remove old flaky, surface skin.  In my research of essential oils’ health benefits, I’ve re-discover some simple exfoliants that work great for any skin type.  Different essential oils are used for different complexion types: dry skin – frankincense, oily skin – tea tree, sun damaged – sandalwood, etc, etc.  But there is an essential oils that works with all skin types and most skin conditions, that is lavender essential oil.  So without having to consult an aromatherapist or dermatologist, a lavender exfoliant can be a good start for most folks.  After some research and trial on my skin (no animals were scrubbed in this experiment), I am ready to share my favorite facial scrub.

A little safety note, essential oils, if you haven’t use them before, are in their majority steam-extracts of plant’s vital substances.  They are super concentrates of plants' super powers.  Essential oils are use in Aromatherapy, but despite the name, it is not the aroma that makes them work.  So when using essential oils on your skin, make sure you are using “therapeutic grade” essential oils.  I have never had any allergic  reaction with therapeutic grade essential oil, but every skin have different degrees of sensitivity so use your judgement when using any substance on your skin (a.k.a., no one here is a dermatologist so if you have sensitive skin, be careful)

This is what you need

1 part oatmeal, 1/3 part cornmeal (I have used sugar instead), 1/3 part lavender (the market at Union Square has a stand that sells lavender)

Essential oil:  lavender

I keep some next to my sink and often use it instead of soap.  All ingredients used are kitchen staples, minus the essential oil, so I make small amounts at time so it doesn’t spoil.  The exfoliant can be stored in a cover container so that it won’t dry out quickly.  I have used it after 20 days of storing without any problems.

This is what you do

Grind the ingredients together in an electric coffee grinder  or a mortar to a fine powder, and store it in a closed  glass container.  To use the scrub, make a paste using 1 teaspoon scrub powder and ½ teaspoon water with lavender essential oil.  Apply to a dampened face.  Gently scrub your face, and rinse with warm water.  You can also use this mixture as a mask by leaving it on for 10 minutes after you scrub.  Rise with room temperature water.

This scrub also tastes good, perhaps I can try cupcakes with the left usual if you have questions let me know.

Porn for Nerds?

I haven't had cable TV in fifteen years (or a TV in two for that matter).  Despite this, somehow I managed - without wanting - to learn about all kind of TV events:  Kardashians, Snooky,  and yes, Glee.  And just when I am about to write off TV as a-last-century-bore, the delicious Isabella Rossellini almost single-handed rescues the media right before my eyes.   You may already know about her TV show, so shame on you for not telling me sooner (thanks you, Jane for always bringing civility into my life).  Seduce Me, the spawn of Green Porn, is a Sundance Channel program co-created with Rossellini's desires to teach biology to the world.  She said that when she proposed a biology show, no one listened, but when she mentioned sex all kind of producers came to her she compromised.   This is a perfect example of navigating society to get your point across.  Her sexy and funny approach to nature's facts is a refreshing approach to science, and the production of the short videos is outstanding.  You can visit the Seduce Me site and watch two seasons of funny nerdy facts about animals' mating habits. Que viva Rossellini!

Posted on March 31, 2011 and filed under design, Pop Culture.